1. Praise Him! Praise Him!
Jesus, our blessed redeemer!
Sing o earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! highest archangel in glory;
Strength and honour give to his holy name!
Like a sheperd, Jesus will guard His children:
In His arms he carries them all day long:

Praise Him! Praise Him! tell of His exellent greatness;
Praise Him! Praise Him! ever in joyful song!

2. Praise Him! Praise Him:
Jesus our blessed redeemer
for ous sins He suffered and bled and died;
He our rock, our hope of eternal salvation,
Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the crucified:
sound His praise Jesus who bore our sorrows,
Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong:

3. Praise Him! Praise Him!
Jesus our blessed redeemer!
Heav’nly portals loved with Hosanas ring!
Jesus, saviour reigneth forever and ever;
Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet and priest and king!
Christ is coming over the word victorious,
Pow’r amd glory unto the Lord belong:


A beautiful day to you!

Do you know why people compromise their character sometimes? It is because they want to join the club. They want to portray an image that is accepted by everybody. Your self
esteem influences how you feel about yourself and how you feel will affect how you see yourself. Unhealthy circumstances, deprivation, lack of love, rejection, acts of
unkindness, abuse or sheer brutality that we have experienced in our lives help to shape our self image. Words spoken to us by people or authority figures also shapes our self image
on the inside.
You and I have the power to choose how we feel and what we think and each choice we make either strengthens or weakens our character.
You can chose today to rise above all the negative things you might have experienced and decide to start afresh on a positive note. It may be hard at
first but remember, “what you do consistently over a period of time will eventually become a part of you.”
Everybody has been given the power of choice. But this power comes with a great responsibility because for whatever you do there will always be consequences. So for the choice you are about to make, consider the consequences first before you make it.

You will Succeed!


Ideas rule the world. You need to know and believe it! There are million dollar ideas around you every day. The quality of ideas that flow through
your mind determines the quality of your life and success. You can never rise above the level of your idea.
Ideas are products of thinking that emanate from your mind. Just as an architect will sit down first, think and see clearly in his mind the dream of a house before putting it down in pencil, your idea must clearly be seen in your mind and you need to capture it down in writing. Have you seen an edifice before and you said, “whaooh, this is a beautiful
building!” Know that it is somebody’s idea and it is the product of someone’s quality thinking. Have you ever seen a great man that you appreciate and wish to pattern your life after? You wish to have the qualityof life the person has. Know that what makes him great is the quality of
ideas that flow through his mind. He is the product of his thinking. It therefore simply means that youare what you think. You are 100% the product of your thinking and your life is shaped by your idea. So, if you want to change the quality of your life, allow quality ideas to flow through
your mind. How do you then generate quality ideas that help you to change or improve on
the quality of your life? There are different ways and I will be sharing some with you later. But I am sure that as you participate in my coaching
programme, inspired ideas will drop in your mind and you will start thinking in an exceptional manner that will not only change your life but that will also affect other people around you.


Are you going to keep the issue to yourself or start telling those around? People run into wrong fellows sometimes and they don’t know. The person in financial need runs to someone with a similar need, and together they hold a
pity party. They sit, lamentand console themselves that the situation is the same with everybody everywhere. They may even conclude that their
circumstances may be destined by God. But what you need in a season of crisis is not a pity party. You need
direction. You need a way out. There are some people you would tell you lost your job and they would immediately give you “testimonies” of ten other persons that lost their jobs within the last month. You do not need testimonies that leave you disillusioned and confused; you need an inspired idea. You should position yourself to be on the look-out for those God will send your way with positive ideas and words that will
lift your spirit. When God gave me the idea to start radio broadcasts, I did not know where
the money would come from. But I had strong faiththat the idea would become a reality. One morning as I prayed, I felt a strong impression to go and pray for a Christian sister at her business place on my way to work. I did
and guess what? She asked about the radio programme and I replied that the plans were already in the concluding stage.
Then she gave me a sealed envelope. I opened it on my way and realised it was a pledge of the total amount I needed for the first quarter of the radio broadcast.
The lesson: Think positively when you have a challenge; focus on your vision or dream and you just might realise that the solution is closer than you could imagine. Don’t ever give up.